Why do I pursue fitness personally and have a passion for supporting and helping others in their pursuit of fitness? Because I have learned the hard way that unless I continue working and fueling my body in healthy ways that I will become hefty, sluggish, stiff, hurting and unhappy. That goes for most other adults, and even children.
Witness the "before" and "after" picture here. Before: I had been traveling too much and had let weight creep on as my diet and exercises habits fell into ruin over several years. I'd even gotten into the habit of comforting myself with highly caloric food and drink after trying numerous diets with no success. My nice thin forearms helped keep me in denial about my weight for awhile. But then one day I borrowed my mother's blood pressure cuff and saw my blood pressure had crept up to an unhealthy level. If it got any higher I'd likely have to go on medication. Then I saw a photo of my sizable self with my beautiful, thin neice at her graduation. OMG! A friend later told me she had been worried about me. "You didn't seem very happy back then," she said.
After: I have lost more than 40 pounds and have greatly improved my cardiovascular health as well as my muscle strength and flexibility. I regulary exercise and follow a healthy diet. My blood pressure is at a healthy level and I feel great. I can reach farther, bend deeper and twist to get something I need without straining my back. I enjoy shopping for clothes and making the effort to look my best. Plus I am getting a lot more attention from the opposite sex, and women respond to me more positively as well. Much of that is because of how I carry myself I know. I feel happier and radiate happiness. It's a people magnet.
How I got there: When I finally realized my problem was bigger than my ability to deal with it, I prayed. (Something I should have done early on.) I asked God to illuminate me, to help me understand what I was doing wrong and give me the strength to do what I needed to do to become healthy and fit again. I found my answer at the "healthy lifestyle and weight loss" program put on by my childhood church (Dawson Memorial in Homewood, Ala.) once a year. Through the 10-week program I learned how to eat right and move more. The program was based on nutrition and exercise science calling upon the knowledge of area health care professionals and dieticians. The group support and accountability were huge pluses. I learned how to lose weight effectively and in a safe manner.
Then I went back to my life. After getting derailed a time or two from my weight loss quest, I got on the healthy lifestyle wagon again for what I hope is for good. Over time I lost a total of 40 pounds in increments of one or two pounds a week. Now I continue to work to maintain that weight loss and become even more fit. As I've learned, unless I am pursing fitness, I am losing fitness.
Kathy - I love this and will be following your continued success as I apply many of your tips to my life!
ReplyDeleteA great blog just in time for New Year Resolution time. I was helping my Daytona church compile a list of local social services and was surprised to learn how many churches are running weight-loss support groups. Agree that prayer is a good starting point. -- Tom in Port Orange
ReplyDeleteGood for you, Kathy! I'm signing up as one of your followers, as the older I get, the harder it is to keep fit and control my weight. I admire what you've done and am eager to hear more.
ReplyDeleteLori Erickson